Master of Arts (1988) and Dr. phil. (1993) in German Studies and Philosophy at the University of Bamberg (Germany), Doutor em Letras by the Coimbra University (1997), scholarship by the German National Academic Foundation (1983-1988), research and teaching assistant at the Institute for Modern German Literature in Bamberg 1988-1995, from 1995 to 2001 Professor Auxiliar at the Catholic University of Portugal in Viseu, since 2001 Professor Associado at the same University in Viseu (up to 2006) and Lisbon (since 2006), from 1997 to 2006 Director of the research group on Representations of Europe in German Literature at the Interuniversity Centre for German Studies (CIEG) in Coimbra (financed by FCT and evaluated as excellent), guest lecturer at the Universities of Bamberg (Germany), Galway (Ireland) and Minho (Portugal), since 2006 President of the Portuguese Association for German Studies, since 2007 coordinator of the research group on Translating Europe across the Ages at the Communication and Culture Research Centre at the Catholic University in Lisbon, translator of Portuguese Literature into German, author of several books and articles on German and European Literature and Culture, as. e.g. Europa. Gestalten. Studien und Essays (Frankfurt/M. etc.: Peter Lang 2004), Peter Weiss. Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Schreiben (Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 1993), Geschichte im Werk Wolfgang Hildesheimers (Frankfurt/M. etc.: Lang 1989), Cognição, Linguagem e Literatura. Contributos para uma Poética Cognitiva (Coord. with Ana Margarida Abrantes, Coimbra: Minerva/Cieg 2005), Lyrik lesen! Eine Bamberger Anthologie . (ed. with Oliver Jahraus and Stefan Neuhaus, Düsseldorf: Grupello 2000), Aquilino Ribeiro: Deutschland 1920. Eine Reise von Portugal nach Berlin und Mecklenburg (translated and anotated by PH, Bremen: Atlantik 1997), Portugal und Deutschland auf dem Weg nach Europa. Portugal e a Alemanha a caminho para a Europa (Ed. with U. Knefelkamp and M. dos Santos Lopes Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus 1995). Together with Marília dos Santos Lopes editor of the series passagem, Studies in Cultural Sciences (Frankfurt/M.: Lang 2006ff.).