Augusto Soares da Silva is Associate Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Portugal. After obtaining his PhD degree in Portuguese Linguistics with a doctoral dissertation in the field of cognitive semantics and under the supervision of Dirk Geeraerts, he launched the first MA program in Cognitive Linguistics in Portugal. He is the author of numerous publications on cognitive semantics and lexical semantics. He was the coordinator of the research project ConDiv, on the Lexical Convergence and Divergence of the Portuguese Language, which was supported by a research grant of the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology. In 2006 he was awarded the Grande Prémio Internacional de Linguística Luís Filipe Lindley Cintra by the Portuguese Language Society for his book “O Mundo dos Sentidos em Português: Polissemia, Semântica e Cognição”.
His current research interests are cognitive semantics, lexical semantics, linguistic variation and change, cognitive grammar and corpus linguistics.