Abrantes, Ana Margarida / Hanenberg, Peter (eds.): Cognition and Culture. An Interdisciplinary Dialogue.
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2011. 178 pp., 1 fig., num. tables and graphs ISBN 978-3-631-61726-7 hb.
Human beings are cultural by nature. The human mind is as much the individual result of exquisite evolutionary engineering, as it is the outcome of an intense synergy with other minds in a densely social environment, shaped by culture. This realization encourages an interdisciplinary dialogue, in which scientists and humanists come together to discuss two challenges: studying culture in the age of cognitive science, and studying cognition with culture in mind.
Contents: Mark Turner: The embodied mind and the origins of human culture - Alexandre Castro-Caldas: The neurophysiological foundation of human cognition - Peter Hanenberg: Cognitive Culture Studies - Where science meets the humanities - Per Aage Brandt: What is culture? - A grounding question for cognitive semiotics - Ansgar NĂ¼nning: Towards a metaphorology of crises, or: The uses of cognitive metaphor theory for the study of culture - Augusto Soares da Silva: What's in a word? Mental and linguistic representations, culture(s) and the negotiation of meaning - Maria Clotilde Almeida: More on forbidden fruit blending: prying into the Portuguese mind - Ana Margarida Abrantes: Narrative - a key concept for cognition and culture - Vera NĂ¼nning: Interfaces between the cognitive sciences and the humanities.
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